Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009--Adventures in School

Today, I will co-lead a discussion with one of our alums on Robert McCloskey's "Make Way for Ducklings." The students will be 3rd-4th grade, and it may be a large group. My co-leader (Let's call him Darwin) and I prepared a cluster of questions for the discussion--three rounds of revision. That process is such a pleasure that whatever happens in the discussion,I have already gained an enormous amount. I will ask Darwin's permission to post the cluster and if he gives it to me, I will post it here tomorrow with comments on the discussion.

More anon.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog and Wiki are launched!

Greetings! Yesterday, we officially launched the blog for shg, Art of Turning the Soul, as well as the wiki. Several of us met for a tutoring session, led by Brad, and today I send my first message!

There is only one way to begin and that is by saying thank you to Brad Wadle for all his help in setting up the web site, the blog and wiki as well. He has been wonderful support in many ways over the book's long gestation period. Now, he has enabled entry into the virtual dimension. He has been ably assisted my Kate Biddle, but to Brad must go much of the credit! Many, many thanks!

I very much look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions as we commune in this new space.